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4/26 The last days have felt like a parade of my greatest hits,irritants and triggers playing to see if I react or remain neutral. Really, one after the other. I passed with flying colors on one that would have previously knocked me out. Irritation got me Thursday until I caught it when I felt the wave came back and slap me in the face. This supported me in changing my tune. Yesterday I was in judgment until I felt the discomfort of separating myself from the love vibration. That one I did not catch until hours later as I was so sure I was right. This game is getting fun. So easy now to catch when I am out of the love wave. If you are interested in how I got from where I was in the deepest hell to where I am now about 95 % in peace or neutrality much of the history of my adventure is posted in my blog:


4/25 I was having so much fun playing with this web site until two elements were disobeying me. I had been getting very stressed out trying to get rid of the button under love notes so it again reads "read more". I kept pushing the friggin' button trying to get it to go away until I got the irony and realized I was definitely pushing my button and decided to call is a day. Hilarious. I still haveseveral elements who are not minding me at all and that is ok.


4/23/14 I just got an urge to start a page called love notes. This is a love message to myself for publishing this web site on my own. I first bought a domain name about four or more years ago. I changed the domain name a few times, hired a few computer experts yet could never get it off the ground. Then somebody introduced me to this site where I could finally navigate enough to get it off the ground. My concept is still not nearly realized and is constantly shape shifting yet I got the urge to leap as a resurrection gift to myself for Easter. I took the leap and am glad I did. I had to move through so many layers of fear to pull this off, fear of technology and computers, questions of self worth, doubt and uncertainty. Yet here it is and the colors and feeling tone suit me. May the love inside warm you too.


8/20 Through miraculous synchronicity I attracted someone to support me in fixing my web site so I can post again. It was particularly delicious as I had sent the intent the night before to get it fixed by finding someone to help me. Yet I was elated when the very next day I “happened” to bump into someone I barely knew who through various twist and turns became my white knight. I felt so elated to see the mystery extending its hand with magic.




Recognizing how many survival fears I still have with accompanying feelings of inadequacy about my ability to provide for my daughter and myself adequately and with abundance. Feeling the doubt and insecurity and loving that part of myself. This post helps me so much to own these feelings and trust they will pass. A number of other safety issues are triggering me lately and had a few days of increasingly rare anxiety. Unexpected visit from a member of my family of origin is showing me my version of the past in many ways has been inaccurate. My mothers brother is showing me my views of my mother are just one perspective of complex person and in many ways actually inaccurate with false perceptions of what I thought occurred. Fascinating and shows me how plastic reality is. Food for thought. The post:

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